RSJ Contact Resume
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Based on the given brief: To design and build an application that can run on a desktop browser.
My team's idea: To create a mobile app that would help our target audience (young adults) maintain a healthier lifestyle.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PowerPoint, Pen and Paper (Prototypes)
Project Proposal
For the final project of my undergraduate Human Computer Interaction class, a partner and I had to develop an application of our choice. After some brainstorming, we, as young adults who rarely slept, skipped meals, and drank coffee instead of water, decided to create an app that would help young adults just like us take better care of themselves. However, we wanted to create something that went beyond just offering basic reminders to eat, sleep, and drink water. We proposed a more engaging and motivational experience that would have users take care of an avatar, who acted as an extension of the user, to remind them to also care for themselves. Our process is detailed below, but the final prototype can be found here on Github. The following are some quick sketches I made to help us get the basics of our idea across for our proposal.
Conceptual Design
After submitting our project proposal, we created Metaphors and Scenarios for the User and for our main tasks of Sleeping, Eating, and Drinking Water. We then separately found our visual inspiration and had a meeting to discuss where we saw this design going, focusing on where our ideas overlapped as well as any points we each felt were important. This allowed us to move forward on the same page.

colorful graphics of an aprtment with a kitchen and couch, iphone calculator,
          and colorful images of Tamagotchi land and a Webkinz room. colorful images of a Tamagotchi, a bee, the sims, Animal Crossing,
          and Stardew Valley.
Sketches and Storyboarding
Because of the smaller scope of this project as well as our more specific target audience, we created only a Primary Persona. We then developed our Scenarios, empathizing with that persona, and used those deliverables as inspiration as we explored potential ideas by each sketching a proposed layout for our most important screen (i.e. where the user gives their avatar food, water, and tells it to sleep).

5 rough sketches formatted to a phone of a stick figure in a studio apartment 5 rough sketches formatted to a phone of a stick figure in a studio apartment
We then worked together to combine our ideas into one to create screens for The Studio Apartment, showing a confirmation pop-up and displaying a generic dialogue box as we knew those would evolve into core features. We also developed a rough storyboard showcasing how our app could successfully remind someone to care for an avatar and themselves as a way of "selling" our idea and its effectiveness to our professor.

rough sketch of a studio apartment, confimation pop-up, and dialogue box mobile screen 10 sketches of a stick figure using the BeeWell app on their phone
          to take care of an avatar and being reminded to drink water, eat, and sleep.
Paper Prototyping and Low-Fidelity Testing
With a clearer idea of our screens and core features, we created paper prototypes and split up to perform in-person, moderated, Think Aloud tests with potential users. Because of our tight timeline, and considering the minimalist functionality associated with this app, using low-fidelity prototypes were an effective and efficient way of testing out our initial ideas.

rough sketch of a studio apartment, confimation pop-up, and dialogue box mobile screen 10 sketches of a stick figure using the BeeWell app on their phone
          to take care of an avatar and being reminded to drink water, eat, and sleep.
Before performing these tests, we created tasks to cover our key functionalities:
1. Move through the welcome form screens, enter values for how much sleep you want to get and how much food and water you want to eat and drink.
2. Give your avatar water.
3. Change the number of hours of sleep you want to get to 9 hours.
4. Feed your avatar.
We each took notes during testing and reconvened to, together, establish the following key takeaways:

screen from report slide explaining prototype testing takeaways
High-Fidelity, Clickable Prototype
As we were approaching our final round of testing, we felt it would be beneficial to have users be able to interact with a more finished product on an actual phone. As our focus was on users' needs, we took the feedback from our initial testing to make changes as we created a high-fidelity prototype. As required by the course, we had to make this prototype accessible via a web browser (and not using prototyping software such as Figma), so we coded it in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
Heuristic Evaluations and User Testing
In order to iteratively improve our product, we performed more user tests as well as heuristic evaluations (the "experts" were our peers from the course which meant we were also able to act as "experts" and perform heuristic evaluations for other apps). From these tests and evaluations, we prioritized our results and made changes to our high-fidelity prototype. The severity of our issues was mainly determined by frequency, criticality, and ease of use. However, when actually making changes, we did have to consider our deadline and weigh how long it would take to make a change with that change's overall impact. We also took note of positives to make sure that any adjustments we did make did not impact what users liked about our app.

screen from report slide explaining prioritized heuristic evaluation takeaways screen from report slide explaining user testing takeaways
Final Product
After iteratively improving our application, we ended with our final prototype which can be explored in your browser or can be viewed below via the demo video we created.