RSJ Contact Resume
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Master of Science in Human-Computer Interaction Design [Distinction]
City, University of London
Relevant Modules: Web Design and Development, Interaction Design, Inclusive Design, Design Justice, Understanding User Interactions, Information Architecture, Research Methods and Professional Issues, Evaluating Interactive Systems
Sept. 2022 – Oct. 2023
London, UK
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science/Mathematics, Animation Minor
Northeastern University
Relevant Modules: Human Computer Interaction, Software Development, Computer Graphics, 2D and 4D Fundamentals, Animation Basics, Algorithms and Data Structures
Sept. 2015 – Dec. 2019
Massachusetts, USA
Public Relations Chair for Technology Club
Jan. – Dec. 2017
Software: Figma | Adobe Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign) | Miro | Axure | Sketch | InVision | Maya
Languages: JavaScript | HTML | CSS | C++ | Java | ReactJS
Tools: Github | Jira | Microsoft 365 | NVivo | Optimal Workshop | iMovie | OpenGL | Google Analytics
Professional: Organization | Communication | Planning | Time Management | Problem-Solving | Adaptability
High Fidelity, Software Developer [Internship]
- Expanded the existing glTF file importer in C++ by adding support for: blendshapes, skinning and weighing of models, binary and embedded files, animations, and loading models as avatars
- Communicated with designers to prioritize and balance their needs with target user requirements
- Planned Agile feature releases by writing Jira tickets in collaboration with Project Managers
- Worked together with the QA Team to expand the existing JavaScript test suite for new features
Jan. – June 2019
California, USA
KleerMail, Software Engineer [Internship]
- Collaborated with the CEO and VP of Product to develop demos and wireframes in Sketch, InVision, and InDesign that were presented to and resulted in the acquisition of new clients
- Applied testing results and user feedback to iteratively enhance usability and design
- Delivered product features, bug fixes, and updated tests utilizing JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
July – Dec. 2017
Massachusetts, USA
Dissertation: Extending Reality Back to the Real – Creating Immersive Physical Environments with Interactive Technology -
- Conducted a thematic analysis of large sets of data to formulate Design Principles for immersive physical environments and corresponding Guidelines that incorporated interactive technology
- Researched immersion and interactivity via an extensive Literature Review/Analysis of Extended Reality (VR/AR/MR), parsing public online forums, and interviewing six Theme Park guests
July – Sept. 2023
London, UK
MiniMyths -
- Prioritized usability, accessibility, and interactivity in the design of key prototype pages using Figma
- Standardized the layout of all pages through the use of CSS Flexbox
- Developed the Frontend focusing on readable, organized code, using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
Feb. – April. 2023
London, UK
Charity Website -
- Coordinated six remote think aloud evaluations of a live website, gathering actionable insights in the form of qualitative data and quantitative metrics from SEQ and SUPR-Q questionnaires
- Produced a rainbow spreadsheet, prioritized list of UX issues, and thirty design recommendations
Mar. – April. 2023
London, UK
Fanworks -
- Interviewed three Domain Experts and reviewed a website to understand the topic of fandoms, fan search behaviour, and folksonomies to inform the Information Architecture of a new site
- Delivered a domain model, sitemap, user journey, and mid-fidelity wireframes, all made in Figma
- Leveraged Optimal Workshop to administer unmoderated click tests and gather quantitative data
Nov. 2022 – Jan. 2023
London, UK
KitchenMate -
- Designed a diet/sustainability app for the Echo Show, adhering to User Centered Design principles
- Translated qualitative user research insights, derived from interviews and observations, into personas, user journeys, and annotated, clickable, mid-fidelity wireframes crafted in Axure
- Directed remote and in-person moderated tests, utilizing scenarios to enhance user interactions
- Led Recipe and Reward feature development and established an overall timeline for the team
Oct. – Dec. 2022
London, UK
ToDo App -
- Built a ReactJS web app that allows users to add, check-off, and customize the display of items
- Achieved accessibility in the design and handling of errors and edge cases in the development
Aug. – Sept. 2021
New York, USA
Product Design -
- Designed and sold multiple clothing and sticker styles based off of existing TV shows and movies
Mar. 2020 – Aug. 2022
New York, USA
BeeWell -
- Succeeded in constructing an interactive, web-based prototype using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
- Worked with a partner to develop multiple iterations of our product inclusive of low and high-fidelity prototypes that were informed by feedback from user tests and heuristic evaluations
Oct. – Nov. 2019
Massachusetts, USA
Disney Store, Cast Member
- Acquires an understanding of top-selling products and how and why items may suit guests
- Supports hundreds of guests (customers) weekly with excellent service while simultaneously handling additional tasks such as managing till transactions and organizing stock on display
Nov. 2023 – Present
London, UK
City, University of London, Student Voice Ambassador
- Directed and motivated students to actively participate in university surveys
- Selected focus groups to participate in to offer constructive feedback and valuable insights
Nov. 2022 – Oct. 2023
London, UK
Auric Real Estate Management, Administrative Assistant
- Processed monthly payments and data for accounts totalling hundreds of thousands of dollars
- Applied existing skills to learn systems and procedures to efficiently handle new responsibilities
- Organized client-related documents, letters, and bills with attention to detail for Senior Managers
- Maintained a positive demeanor while providing in-person and telephone support to residents
Feb. 2020 – Dec. 2021
New York, USA
Northeastern Global Experience Office, Senior Ambassador
- Promoted due to knowledge of programmes and effective collaboration with existing leadership
- Managed event and presentation schedules for a team of fifteen via email and Google Sheets
- Acquired new brand expertise to develop presentations for audiences of up to 200 people
- Conducted in-person and written performance reviews of my team’s informational presentations
July – Dec. 2019
Massachusetts, USA