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Evaluation of Charity Website
To evaluate a website with target users in order to create a rainbow spreadsheet and offer design recommendations.
Microsoft Word, Qualtrics, Remote Interview Moderation (Microsoft Teams) and Recording (QuickTime) Software
Evaluating the Live Website
For my Evaluating Interactive Systems class, I was given a brief that I then used to set specific goals. I then established that the following steps would be the best way for me to gather the information needed to evaluate the website:
The Script
Writing a script (of tasks), loosely framed by a scenario, both made sure users reached the areas of the website the brief wanted to address and made the evaluation feel more realistic by giving users purpose.
To find if the users struggled while using the site, the Single Ease Question (SEQ) was asked after certain tasks. Qualtrics was used to write and send out a SUPR-Q questionnaire to each participant at the end of their interview as elements related to ease of use, trust, and appearance were relevant to the goals.
Testing Sessions
In total, I held five remote, moderated sessions (in addition to a pilot session) and used a classic Think Aloud protocol. Due to limited resources, these sessions had to be remote. However, the moderation and protocol were chosen as it was important to understand what the users were feeling in addition to "the why" behind their decisions.
The Results
Coding the Data
Transcripts from each participant were summarized and coded. Essentially, three codes were used to note whether a comment was positive, something the user would have liked to have or have been able to do, or was a negative (e.g. triggering feelings of annoyance or frustration).
Qualitative and Quantitative Data
The qualitative data, alongside the quantitative data from the questionnaires, was used to answer each requirement from the brief (in the form of a short summary). Because of the small number of participants, on its own, the quantitative data would not have been strong enough. So it was used to reinforce conclusions drawn from the qualitative findings.
This data was then translated to the design recommendations. The main portion of the report required four main design recommendations ranked by severity (the ranking system was based on Dumash and Redish’s work as they considered “a global versus local dimension to the problem”). However, before writing these main recommendations, a rainbow spreadsheet was created which helped me discover similarities in the issues participants ran into. I then created another spreadsheet, not only to further group and organize each issue by goal, but to clarify what effects these issues would have on the goals, to rank them by severity, and to offer more potential re-design recommendations.
The Report
If you would like to see the full report, please send me an email at and let me know whether you are a potential employer or student looking to read it.